{"id":7141,"date":"2008-08-24T16:45:58","date_gmt":"2008-08-24T22:45:58","guid":{"rendered":"\/Revelation\/Lesson-24:-20-Millennium.aspx"},"modified":"2014-07-01T22:58:56","modified_gmt":"2014-07-02T04:58:56","slug":"lesson-24-20-millennium","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.hisriches.com\/lesson-24-20-millennium\/","title":{"rendered":"Lesson 24: Chapter 20 Millennium"},"content":{"rendered":"
All the wonderful things man has vainly sought on his own strength, without God, will be poured out in the kingdom of His Son during the 1000-year millennium. With Satan imprisoned during this time (Revelation 20:1-7<\/strong>) the millennium will be glorious.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n 1. Read Revelation 20<\/strong>. This chapter briefly describes the millennial reign of Christ. List the major events in chronological order.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n 2. Read Daniel 2:33-35,41-45<\/strong>. <\/p>\n <\/p>\n 3. Read Daniel 7:2<\/strong>-27<\/strong>. What do you learn about events preceding the reign of Christ?<\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n 4. Read Isaiah 9:6-7 <\/strong>and Luke 1:30-33<\/strong>. What do you learn about Jesus?<\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n 5. Read Psalm 2:9 Revelation 2:27<\/strong>; 12:5<\/strong>; 19:15<\/strong>. How will Jesus rule the nations?<\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n 6. Who enters into the millennial reign? <\/p>\n <\/p>\n 7. Read Isaiah 2:1-5 Micah 4:1-8 Zechariah 2:11<\/strong>; 3:10<\/strong>; 8:20-23<\/strong>. <\/p>\n 8. Read Isaiah 11-12<\/strong>. <\/p>\n <\/p>\n 9. Read Isaiah 16:5; 22:22 (quoted in part in Revelation 3:7–key symbolizes authority). What part does David have in the millennium (Psalm 18:50<\/strong>; 89:3-49<\/strong>; 132:10-17 Jeremiah 23:3-8<\/strong>; 30:8-11<\/strong>; 33:17-24 Ezekiel. 34:23-31<\/strong>; 37:24-28 Hosea 3:5<\/strong>)?<\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n 10. Read Isaiah 29:18-24<\/strong>. Several types of people are mentioned in this passage. What will happen to each during the millennium?<\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n 11. Read Isaiah 33: 5<\/strong>; 17-24<\/strong>. What will Zion be like?<\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n 12. Read Isaiah 35<\/strong>. <\/p>\n <\/p>\n 13. Read Isaiah 49<\/strong>. What verses compare with Revelation 7:16<\/strong>?<\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n 14. Read Isaiah 59:20-60:22<\/strong>. As in some passages in Isaiah<\/strong> it is difficult to determine the time frame. Much of this passage applies to the millennium. Who comes to Zion? <\/p>\n <\/p>\n 16. Read Isaiah 65:17-25<\/strong>.<\/p>\n “Isaiah 65:17<\/strong> speaks of God creating a new heaven and a new earth in the future. Then 65:18 begins with a strong adversative (Heb ki-‘im) which is best translated ‘nevertheless’. That is, though their will be a new heaven and a new earth, the present Jerusalem will also have its fulfillment. The rest of chapter 65<\/strong> fits millennial conditions\u2026.” Bible Doctrines A Pentecostal Perspective<\/em> by William W. Menzies and Stanley M. Horton p. 237 <\/p>\n <\/p>\n 17. Read Isaiah 66<\/strong>. What in this passage is clearly talking about the millennium (there is no temple after the millennium\u2014Revelation 21:22<\/strong>)?<\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n 18. Skim Ezekiel 40<\/strong> to 48<\/strong>. “Revelation 21:23<\/strong>. This \u00a0temple existed only in the vision of Ezekiel (Eze 40:2), and has never actually \u00a0been built as were the temple of Solomon, Zerubbabel and Herod.\u201d NIV StudyBible<\/em> <\/p>\n <\/p>\n 21. Read Zechariah 2; 13:1-6<\/strong>. <\/p>\n <\/p>\n 22. Read Zechariah 3:10<\/strong>. What is one thing the inhabitants of the millennium will be doing?<\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n 23. Read Zechariah 14:9-11<\/strong>: 16-21<\/strong>. <\/p>\n <\/p>\n 24. What countries will be desolate (Isaiah 13:19-22<\/strong>; 14:22 Jeremiah 49:13-18<\/strong>; 50:39-40 Ezekiel 25:8-11<\/strong>; 26:7-26<\/strong>; 35:9 Joel 3:17 Zephaniah 2:8-15<\/strong>)?<\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n 25. Satan will be released to again test the nations. Who is this evil influential being? 26. Summarize your understanding of the millennium.<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":" All the wonderful things man has vainly sought on his own strength, without God, will be poured out in the kingdom of His Son during the 1000-year millennium. With Satan imprisoned during this time (Revelation 20:1-7) the millennium will be glorious. 1. Read Revelation 20. This chapter briefly describes the millennial reign of Christ.<\/p>\n
\na. When will the God of heaven set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed?
\nb. How is the rock described? What does the rock do? Who do you think is the rock?
\nc. What occurs immediately preceding the reign of Christ?<\/p>\n
\na. Who will reign with Christ (Matthew 19:28<\/strong>, 24:45-47<\/strong>, 25:14-25<\/strong> Luke 19:12-27<\/strong>, 22:28-30 1 Corinthians 6:2 2 Timothy 2:12 Revelation 2:26-27<\/strong>, 3:21<\/strong>, 22:5<\/strong>)? What kind of bodies will they have (1 Corinthians 15:51-54<\/strong>)?
\nb. What are some other things those resurrected to eternal life will be doing (John 17:24; Revelation 20:6-9<\/strong>; 21 <\/strong>&\u00a022<\/strong>)?
\nc. What group of people are the main focus of the millennium? When do they realize Jesus is the Messiah (Romans 9:27<\/strong>; 11:25-31 Isaiah 65:18-24 Zechariah 12<\/strong>)?
\nd. How many people will enter into the millennium to live in mortal bodies (Isaiah \u00a013:12<\/strong>; 24:6<\/strong>)? Who will these be? How will they be judged (Isaiah 66:18-24\u00a0Ezekiel 36:33-38 Zechariah 14:16 Matthew 25:31-46 Revelation 20<\/strong>)?<\/p>\n
\na. What will all the nations stream to during the millennium? Where will it be?
\nb. What will the Lord teach? What will be the consequence?
\nc. Who will the Lord judge between? What will be the consequence? Why?
\nd. What will every man sit under? Why?
\ne. Whom will the Lord rule over? Where?
\nf. \u00a0Who will come to Jerusalem? Why?<\/p>\n
\na. How is Jesus described?
\nb. How will He not judge? How will He judge?
\nc. How will animals relate to each other during the millennium? How will they relate to people? How will people related to each other? Why?
\nd. Whom will the Lord reclaim in that day?
\ne. What will be established for the remnant of His people? (Isaiah 11:16; 35:6-10; 40:3-4; 49:11-12; 57:14; 62:10) Describe it and it’s purpose.
\nf. \u00a0How are people to react? What are they to do?<\/p>\n
\na. What will the land be like outside of Zion?
\nb. What will happen to the blind, deaf, lame and mute?
\nc. Who cannot walk on the Way of Holiness?
\nd. Where does the Way of Holiness lead?<\/p>\n
\n15. Read Isaiah 61-62<\/strong>.
\na. What will happen in Zion?
\nb. Those who call upon the Lord are to give themselves no rest until what?<\/p>\n
\na. What happens concerning death during the millennium (Revelation 20:7-15<\/strong>)?
\nb. Why do you think the serpent is treated differently than any other creature?
\nc. What extra facts about the millennium does Isaiah 65 add to Isaiah 11<\/strong>?<\/p>\n
\na. When could the temple described in Ezekiel 40-44<\/strong> be built? There will be no \u00a0temple after the new heaven and earth are set in place.<\/p>\n
\nb. When do you think this land is allotted to the twelve tribes of Israel?
\n19. Read Amos 9:11-15<\/strong>.
\na. What could be the \u201cremnant of Edom\u201d<\/strong>? (Amos 1:11-12<\/strong>–however, Edom has a large part to play in the end time. See Isaiah 63:1-6 Matthew 24:15-20 Revelation 12:6<\/strong>; 13-17<\/strong>)
\n\u201cWhatever is left of Israel\u2019s bitter enemy\u201d NIV Study Bible<\/em>
\nb. What will happen to Israel in that day?
\n20. Read Zephaniah 3:9-20.
\na. Whom will the Lord remove from the city?
\nb. Whom will He leave within the city?<\/p>\n
\na. Why will Jerusalem be a city without walls and how will it be protected?
\nb. Who will be the people of the Lord and what will the Lord inherit?
\nc. Whom will the Lord banish from the land?<\/p>\n
\na. What will the survivors of all the nations that have attacked Jerusalem do?
\nb. What will happen if they don\u2019t do this?
\nc. What will be inscribed on the bells of the horses and on the cooking pots?
\nd. Why do you think there will no longer be a Canaanite in the house of the Lord (Genesis 28:1-9 Numbers 21:1 Joshua 5:1, 13:1-5 Judges 4:23-24 1 Kings 9:16<\/strong>)?<\/p>\n
\na. What are some names of Satan? What do we know about him (Genesis 3 Isaiah 14 Ezekiel 28 Matthew 4 Luke 4 John 8:44<\/strong>; 13:2; Acts 10:38, 13:10; Ephesians 4:27; 1 Timothy 3:44 2 Timothy 2:26 Hebrews 2:14 James 3:15<\/strong>; 4:7<\/strong> 1 Peter 5:8 1 John 3:8-10 Jude 9 Revelation 12<\/strong>; 13:2-4, 11<\/strong>; 20<\/strong>)?
\nb. When will Satan be released from his prison? Who does he deceive?
\nc. What city do Satan and his followers surround? What happens at that time?
\nd. What is the final outcome of Satan? (Isaiah 14:3-23 Ezekiel 28:11-19<\/strong>)
\ne. Who are Satan\u2019s followers? What is the outcome of his followers?
\nf. Read Ezekiel 38<\/strong> and 39<\/strong>. What does this add to your understanding of the \u00a0millennim? (Revelation 20:8a<\/strong> and Amos 7:1 <\/strong>could be rendered: \u201cThus the Lord \u00a0showed me, and behold a swam of locusts were coming, and, behold, one of \u00a0the young devastating locusts was Gog, the King.\u201d Literal locust insects do not \u00a0have a king \u00a0(\u201clocust have no king\u201d Proverbs 30:27a<\/strong>), indicating Gog could be \u00a0a demonic being leading a demon host.)<\/p>\n